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  • Christine Lauritsen

    IV2 5TQ
    United Kingdom

    Difficult and challenging life situations affect us all. Sometimes however, we can get overwhelmed or find it a struggle to cope with these things, whether they are in our surroundings, our relationships or in our own thinking and general emotional health. If you feel that you would benefit from support, then it would be my sincere hope that by working with me you would quickly recover a sense of equilibrium and get back on track 

  • Dorothy Baird

    Lanark Road West
    EH14 5NZ
    United Kingdom

    Dorothy is unable to take on new clients at present.  

    Because of immuno-supressed family members and Covid risk factors, all Dorothy's work is currently online. 

  • Dermot Byrne

    16 B Southville Gardens

    Dermot has had his own business for nearly 30 years.  He is a father and husband, and through this is aware of the various challenges and difficulties that life can bring with it.

  • Paul Catchpool

    United Kingdom

    As a teacher, tutor and support worker for the last 10 years and having spent the last 25 working with a diverse range of young people, I feel immensely privileged to have made a difference in so m

  • Mary Scott

    United Kingdom

    I am optimistic that many more people can achieve a balanced and happy life with the correct support and see Human Givens as a wonderful step in this journey.


Latest News:

SCoPEd - latest update

The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.

Date posted: 14/02/2024