HG Newsletter - April 2020
- NEW: Live online HG training
- Lockdown, open up
- Sue Cook chats with Ivan Tyrrell
- Top tips in troubled times
- HG Conference moved to 2021
- Special Offers for special times
- One last thought...
In our current constrained and worrying times, it seems pertinent that the solution-focused approach of human givens should help us all look to the positive and focus on what we can do, how we can help and most of all what we can all learn from such a time of global uncertainty.
By focussing on the positive actions we can take – whether that be in simply adhering to physical distancing and self-isolation policies, or in volunteering our services in various ways – we can allay our own anxieties. Indeed, the unexpected outcome of this lockdown may be that we open up to new, more mindful and less stressful, ways of thinking, of living and of sharing our planet...
NEW – live training online

Like everyone, HG College has had to rapidly adapt to the unprecedented challenges thrown at us by this public health crisis – the majority of staff are working from home, but they’re still committed to providing outstanding mental health training and supporting your training needs.
We’re pleased to announce that some of the College's specialist training days are going to be delivered live online (see below) – this is a great opportunity to attend a course you might not have been able to travel to before.
A new online version of Emily Gajewski’s popular Overcoming Self-harm workshop is also being developed and will be launched soon.
A big thank you
The College is continuing its work training people in this highly effective psychotherapeutic approach, but if you can help in any way, by taking that online course you’ve been meaning to (you can enjoy 20% OFF at the moment), encouraging others to do so too or attending and telling people about the live online training events, we'd appreciate it.
So many people have had their lives turned around by HG practitioners and other professionals that we’ve trained over the years – if the human givens approach has made a difference to your life too, please spread the word in any way you can.
A big thank you is due to those making donations to support our work.
There will be an even greater need for human givens therapy once the pandemic has passed and people start picking up the pieces.
Join us for live online HG training – book now
Understanding OCD and how best to treat it – Tues 21st April, with Miriam Chachamu
Couples Therapy: a practical masterclass – Wed 6th May, with Jennifer Broadley
The Mind-Body Connection: Exploring the relationships between emotions, exercise and eating – Wed 13th May, with Dr Andrew Morrice
The workshops are being held via Zoom, which is easy to use – all you will need is a PC/tablet, a quiet place to listen and a strong internet connection. You can book your place as normal, and we'll send you the details of how to join – there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with the tutors and ask questions.
Lockdown, open up
Someone I know once challenged herself to self-isolate for three weeks, in a bid to understand why her elderly neighbour had been showing signs of ‘not coping’ and was at risk of being taken into care. My friend imagined what this housebound widower might be struggling with – loneliness, boredom, lack of routine or anything to look forward to, worry, fear, poor diet, poor sleep?
Sure enough, after only one week of isolation, my friend felt that she too was going a little crazy. Sleep and food deprivation had taken its toll on her physical health, while having nowhere to go and no one to talk to had left her mentally subdued. Her self-esteem had taken a tumble to the extent that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to string a sentence together should the opportunity arise. This caused her to worry and feel anxious, compounding her sleep difficulties and threatening to tip her into the vortex that we know as the cycle of depression.
Us humans are group animals and we (mostly) don’t do well on our own. We have survived as a species by sticking together, using strength in numbers to ward off predators and enemies. We are hard-wired to thrive through human connection, on both an intimate level and a wider social level, and the lack of it can affect both our mental and physical health... [read article]
Sue Cook chats with Ivan Tyrrell
Just before the lockdown, well known UK broadcaster and writer Sue Cook recorded an excellent interview with Ivan Tyrrell, co-founder of the HG approach. Aided by Sue’s thought-provoking questions, Ivan offers a clear and concise explanation of HG and the original thinking and reasoning from which it grew. You can watch it here.
Top tips in troubled times
In this time of rapid change and uncertainty we are continually sharing useful information, articles and advice via our social channels ( facebook, twitter and instagram), so please do connect with us and take a look. Here’s our advice on meeting emotional needs while socially isolated during this global pandemic.
We would also like to invite you to share your own helpful tips, articles or initiatives that might help others through these difficult times – we know many HG therapists are engaged in initiatives to help their local communities. Do get in touch with us via [email protected]
New date for HG Conference
As you are probably already aware, we have sadly had to postpone this year's HGI conference. This is disappointing for everyone, we have a great programme lined up and were looking forward to meeting new faces and reconnecting with old friends, but of course the health and welfare of everyone must take priority.
As there is long term uncertainty about when large gatherings will once more be able to convene, we have decided to move the Conference to Saturday 15th–Sunday 16th May 2021.
The programme will remain largely the same and the venue will still be Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa.
If you'd already booked your place, we can either transfer your booking to the new date or refund you, whichever you prefer. Please contact the HG office on +44 (0)1323 811690 or via [email protected] to let them know what you would like to do.
As May 2021 is some time away, we are also looking into the possibility of holding an online mini-conference in the interim. If you are able to help in anyway, or would like to suggest topics, please contact the office via [email protected]
Special offers for special times
To help everyone to keep learning from home, HG College is offering a fabulous 20% OFF online courses and webinars! As well as tapping into them yourself, please do recommend these excellent courses to everyone you know who might be in need of mental stimulation whilst in lockdown.
Half-price Digital HG Journals
Did you know you can now get digital copies of the HG Journal? We’re currently offering all digital back issues at HALF their usual price so you can catch up with this inspiring read.
Don't forget – there's also a wonderful selection of informative MP3s you can download and listen to at home.
One last thought
“And once the storm is over
You won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure, in fact, that the storm is over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.
That’s what this storm is all about.”
taken from 'Kafka on the Shore', by Haruki Murakami
We hope you've enjoyed this update – do get in contact if you have any news or interesting case studies.
With best wishes,
Julia Welstead, Editor
Human Givens News
Latest Tweets:
Tweets by humangivensLatest News:
HG practitioner participates in global congress
HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.
SCoPEd - latest update
The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
Date posted: 14/02/2024