Richard Munn
United KingdomLetchworth Garden CityHertfordshireSG6I work in a practical way with clients to help them meet the needs and goals they have.
Julian Penton
United KingdomDurham CityCounty DurhamUnited KingdomHartlepoolCounty DurhamJulian has twelve years' experience as a practising Human Givens therapist working in private practice as well as for a mental health charity in north east England.
Julie Lowe
GuernseyGuernseyGY6 8RZWith a background in the creative arts and a long career in teaching dance and Pilates, I have always been passionate about encouraging people to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals in al
Joy Gilson
United KingdomBrightonEnglandUnited KingdomHertfordEnglandPortugalI am not accepting clients at the moment.
Annette Henry
Highbury and IslingtonUnited KingdomLondonEnglandN5 1BAFrom therapy to wellbeing we can adopt a forward-focused approach, using skills and resources, designed from the outset to make your life better. My focus is on more positive outcomes to empower clients in their lives.
Dermot Byrne
16 B Southville GardensIrelandLimerickDermot has had his own business for nearly 30 years. He is a father and husband, and through this is aware of the various challenges and difficulties that life can bring with it.
Judy Lovell
GuernseyGY8 0PDI am a fully qualified Human Givens psychotherapist focusing on helping people to move forward in their lives as quickly as possible whilst ensuring their emotional needs are met in balance.
Nikka Byrne
IrelandLimerickNikka is a young therapist, who has experience patiently working with all ages on a variety of difficulties.
Lynn Jackson-Taylor
United KingdombournemouthEnglandBH7Lynn is the Adult Psychotherapist and Counsellor at Poole North Primary Care Network, taking internal referrals from four NHS GP practices.
Wendy Amey
United KingdomSouthamptonEnglandUnited KingdomPortsmouthEnglandUnited KingdomBasingstokeEnglandAfter working in a social role with Education Welfare, Youth Offending Teams and Family Group Conference organisations, I trained in the Human Givens (HG) approach and qualified in 2003, achieving
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HG practitioner participates in global congress
HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.
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The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
Date posted: 14/02/2024