Doreen Calderwood
IrelandSkibbereenCo CorkDoreen enjoys helping people discover what is missing in their lives and how to take back control by working towards achievable goals.
Claire Hynd
United KingdomWest MoleseySurreyClaire, a dedicated therapist, is here to guide you through life's challenges. With a background in the NHS and expertise as an airline crew counsellor, she specialises in grief and loss, couples, relationships, trauma and sexual issues. Trust Claire to help you overcome your difficulties in confidence.
Mary McGlynn
IrelandCastleknockCo DublinI have always had a genuine interest in helping and supporting people.
Genna Counter
United KingdomTruroCornwallAre you ready to make a change? ... Are you looking for supportive therapy that's approach is backed by scientific findings? ...
Julie Lowe
GuernseyGuernseyGY6 8RZWith a background in the creative arts and a long career in teaching dance and Pilates, I have always been passionate about encouraging people to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals in al
Michelle Buckles
Oasis TherapyJerseySt MartinI'm a qualified and registered Psychotherapist living and working in Jersey, Channel Islands.
Fiona Pollitt
United KingdomGlossopEnglandSK13Using the Human Givans principles and approach I offer practical, solution focused, and effective therapy that draws on the clients own resources to explore and address any unmet emotional needs an
Amanda Hargreaves
United KingdomLiverpoolEnglandL18I trained and qualified as a State Registered Nurse in 1981 at Kings College London.
Louise Courtney
IrelandKilcockLouise has a BA (hons psychology) and MA from Trinity College Dublin and an MBA from Edinburgh University.
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HG practitioner participates in global congress
HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.
SCoPEd - latest update
The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
Date posted: 14/02/2024