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HGI Practice Research Network

The HGI Practice Research Network monitors, on an ongoing basis, results submitted by HG therapists. To date, these indicate that, where clients choose to remain in treatment to an agreed ending, they typically stay in therapy with HG therapists for an average of just four sessions and that 90 per cent of our clients see their HG therapist for six visits or fewer.

Clearly this means that, as well as being highly beneficial for our clients, the HG approach has the potential to save huge amounts of money for resource-starved organisations. The continuing emphasis on building a formal research base (such as within PTSD Resolution, the charity for veterans and their families which refers clients only to HG therapists) is helping the HG approach to become even more widely known and available to the people that need it.

Latest News:

HG practitioner participates in global congress

HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.

SCoPEd - latest update

The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.

Date posted: 14/02/2024