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Andrew Savva

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Contact Details

Practice location
Therapy rooms within the Natural Medicine Centre
72 High Street
West Wickham
United Kingdom
Telephone Number
0208 7761525
Mobile Number
07958 213836
About Me

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change."

Improving coping skills is often easier said than done. As a Human Givens therapist, I believe most people can build positive behaviours and set goals which can develop new and flexible thinking approaches to life's challenges.

With over a decade in the Nutrition and Dietetic field, I found most clients looking for lifestyle change did not respond well to a prescriptive approach. Looking for effective tools to assist these mindset changes, I studied psychology and C.B.T. alongside person centred counselling. Although I found the latter two methods very rewarding, I felt they lacked real direction and precise solutions for my clients. Human Givens gave me a practical and user-friendly tool. Clients have expressed after many years of other counselling at how Human Givens clarified what was simply "right in front of them".

Stress is designed to help you rise to challenges. However, chronic Stress can confuse and fog our thinking. Our nervous system is not very good at distinguishing between physical and emotional Stress. Unchecked emotional Stress will continue for as long as it stays active and filed as "fear" in our Brains. Human Givens helps to refile these thoughts more rationally within the brain. Although still an unpleasant memory, they no longer activate a stress response.

An essential tool of Human Givens is Guided Imagery, or Functional Imagery Training (F.I.T.) here, we can visualise a different outcome to a negative loop we may currently be in. As the subconscious mind thinks in images and feelings, we can "Step into" those desired changes and permanently program different outcomes into our cognition. Such repeated imagery can build both experience and confidence in our ability to perform under pressure.  The most effective visualisation techniques result in a very vivid and relaxing experience in which we have complete control and a belief in this new self.

(Psychology today, 14/01/2014 "why a picture is worth a thousand words, lessons in goal setting")

Blankert T, Hamstra MR. Imagining Success: Multiple Achievement Goals and the Effectiveness of Imagery. Basic Appl Soc Psych. 2017;39(1):60-67. doi:10.1080/01973533.2016.1255947 

Dip Human Givens Psychotherapy, Bsc (open), Dip CBTH & Insomnia (British Psychological Society approved), Specialist Certification of Obesity professional Ed
Professional Memberships

Member Royal Society Public Health (mRSPH)
Member World Obesity Federation
Member of General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
Complimentary and Natural Healthcare (CNHC)

Languages Spoken
  • English
Sessions available
Clients seen
How to Find Me
Therapy rooms within the Natural Medicine Centre
72 High Street
West Wickham
United Kingdom