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CPD Requirement

Last updated: October 2022

For the purposes of the HGI's CPD scheme, CPD is defined as a range of learning activities, including life experience, through which Professional Members maintain and develop their knowledge throughout their career in order to:

  • ensure that they retain their capacity to practise safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice


  • keep abreast of the continuing development of the human givens approach.

The HGI's CPD scheme is focused on the outcome of the CPD and is based on the assumption that HG graduates will want to continue learning throughout their lives. 

Although learning will naturally be closely related to the individual needs of the practitioner, the ultimate purpose of CPD is to demonstrate to the wider public that HGI Professional Members take responsibility for maintaining a high quality of client care. The constantly changing and complex work environment, together with the changing attitudes and needs of society, will determine the direction of the CPD undertaken by the registrant.

The key obligations of Professional Members in this regard are to:

  • Fulfil 20 hours CPD activity per year;
  • Keep an up-to-date and accurate record of CPD activities;
  • Be able to present upon request written evidence of their CPD activities and reflection on their outcomes;
  • Be able to demonstrate that their CPD consists of a mixture of activities relevant to current or future practice;
  • Ensure that their CPD has contributed to the quality of their practice and therefore benefits their clients.

Mandatory elements:
Since the Human Givens journal reflects developments in relation to the HG approach and other important areas, including ethics, human behaviour, motivation, education, health, law, culture, communication, and so on, reading it is an essential CPD requirement. The downloadable record of CPD activities now reflects this requirement.

If you are a trainee or newly qualified HG therapist intending to work online, it is now mandatory that you attend HG College’s live online course: Online and phone therapy training – this course is also recommended for existing members working online.

> Download the HGI Record of CPD activities form

> View a sample completed form

The range of CPD learning activity is extensive and includes any professional development activity, consistent with the purposes of the scheme, which can be justified and verified, including:

  • work-based learning such as peer group discussion, outcome measures (e.g. CORE 10*), significant event analysis, user feedback (e.g. PRN-F5*), membership of a committee. *These and other measures can be accessed via Pragmatic Tracker;
  • professional activity such as research in a clinical or related field, membership of a specialist interest group, mentoring, teaching, acting as an expert witness, presentation at conferences;
  • formal/educational such as personal attendance at courses, seminars, workshops, HGI biannual conference, undertaking research, distance learning, planning or running a course;
  • self-directed learning such as reading journals/articles, reviewing books/articles, updating knowledge via the internet/TV/press, active study;
  • other activities, such as public service, relevant to HG principles.

Any future revisions to the above CPD requirement for HGI Professional Members will be developed by the Registration and Professional Standards Committee (RPSC) and put out for consultation to the membership before it is formally adopted.

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