Why we need to understand healthy minds
It took millions of years for the human mind to evolve into the self-forming creature we can now become. We have reached a watershed where exciting recent discoveries about how the mind/body system works enable us to understand the processes by which the human nature of a new child can successfully unfold to create an effective and fulfilled individual.

Seeking meaning in the modern world
Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June 2016
– Trinity College, Dublin

3 ways to relax immediately
Do you feel overwhelmed with life? Like you are paddling hard just to stay afloat?
Stress is a big part of every day life, and with almost half of Briton's considering themselves 'stressed' it's never been more important to build relaxation into your daily life.

RedArc adds HGI Register to its panel of professional bodies
Red Arc works with insurers, intermediaries, employers and membership organisations... their Red Arc’s curated panel is used by their nurses to select therapies for individuals where external specialist support is needed.

How can we improve children's difficult behaviour?
with Miriam Chachamu
Miriam is a family psychotherapist and a human givens practitioner, with many years experience. She has helped numerous children, families and professionals understand and overcome behavioural and mental health problems, and now provides workshops and courses to parents who wish to help their children and adolescents become their best.

Music to my ears
Working as a therapist is rarely a first career and is often the result of a mid-life change of track. Here Kat Marlow relates her particular path through the diverse careers of orchestral musician and process engineer, as well as her own mental health challenges, to her current role as HG practitioner and DWP trainer.

The human givens approach origins
More and more people in the UK and overseas are recognising that the core set of principles incorporated in the human givens approach have enormous, wide-reaching potential — not only for for reducing emotional distress, improving mental health and education, but also for stabilising the human mind, creating harmony in and between communities, bringing order to schools and colleges, and making government and administration more just and effective.

2018 Conference: 'Living with uncertainty'
Sat 12th – Sun 13th May
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK
Our 2018 conference took place at the beautiful Woodland Grange in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.

Human givens in primary care
Community psychiatric nurse Liz Potts describes her experience as one of the few primary care professionals in Coventry using the human givens approach.
Explore our articles and interviews
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HG practitioner participates in global congress
HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.
SCoPEd - latest update
The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.
Date posted: 14/02/2024