Raising concerns
The HGI takes the safe-guarding of the public and the matter of complaints very seriously.
All Registered (fully-qualified) and Graduate (trainee) Members of the HGI sign an annual testimonial reaffirming their commitment to the Code of Ethics and Conduct when renewing their membership – their professional conduct should always reflect this.
If a concern or grievance arises, however, we recommend that wherever possible members of the public should attempt first to resolve any complaint they may have with the individual therapist concerned. If you have tried this without success, or if you would prefer to contact us from the outset, please follow our Complaints Procedure.
Please note – for a complaint to be considered by the HGI Registration and Professional Standards Committee (RPSC), it must be against a Member of the HGI who was a Registered Member (or a trainee status Graduate Member) at the time of the alleged incident(s).
If you have a complaint that you would like to make, the HGI should be notified at the earliest opportunity – the Institute will not normally consider complaints made more than 7 years after the date of the alleged incident(s).
Complaints against the Human Givens Institute
If you wish to make a complaint against the Human Givens Institute itself (as opposed to an individual human givens therapist), please read the following document EOC complaints procedure and complete the EOC complaints form.
Note: If you have a complaint against an individual human givens therapist, please follow the HGI complaints procedure. If a complainant or therapist is dissatisfied with a decision of the HGI in relation to a complaint, they are entitled to appeal to an independent panel - please view: HGI Appeal Panel Guidelines. Please note that the EOC cannot deal with such matters.