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Now available online – Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell discuss the wider implications of the human givens approach

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"Many people tell us that the organising ideas summed up in the phrase 'human givens' represent the best hope for humanity. They offer a path that, if enough people travelled it, could help turn the current tide of turmoil ..."

In 2005, Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell recorded an inspiring, thought-provoking and wide-reaching conversation which shows why it's crucial that any human endeavour takes into account the givens of human nature.

You can now listen to the full conversation online — it's as relevant today as it was when it was first released...

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This inspiring conversation between two eminent practial thinkers is guaranteed to give any open-minded person pause for thought. Topics covered include:

  • The physical and emotional needs that nature programmed us with (and that we ignore at our peril)
  • The guidance systems that help us get these needs met
  • The power of expectation and the terrible consequences when the brain cannot distinguish between real and imagined ones
  • Why we need to educate our children in tune with the way nature intended
  • How the application of HG ideas could lower the dangerously high emotional temperature of society and help stabilise stressed communities, curb the greed that is eating up the planet's resources and defuse fanatical ideologies by developing more humane forms of government
  • Evolution at a personal level - increasing the complexity of knowledge
  • Why meeting emotional needs is essential for creating the spare capacity necessary for developing consciousness and our ‘spiritual’ life.

> View the full range of CDs available from Human Givens here

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Date posted: 14/02/2024