The human givens approach and the insights it brings are enriching psychotherapy, education, social work, primary care, the workplace and beyond.

  • About the Institute

    Thousands of people around the world recognise that the organising ideas succinctly expressed in the phrase 'human givens' have enormous, beneficial implications for education, mental health, social cohesion and the worlds of business, politics and diplomacy.

  • Find a therapist

    A human givens therapist will help you to overcome emotional distress, mental health illnesses and improve your wellbeing as quickly as possible. Our therapist register is accredited by the PSA. 

  • The Overcoming Addiction Summit

    Join our expert speakers live online on Saturday 11th March for this wide-ranging, informative summit. Take advantage of our Special Price Offer! 

  • What are the 'human givens'?

    We are all born with innate knowledge programmed into us from our genes. Throughout life we experience this knowledge as feelings of physical and emotional need. These evolved over millions of years and, whatever our cultural background, are our common biological inheritance – the driving force that motivates us to become fully human and succeed in ...

  • About the Human Givens Institute

    The Human Givens Institute (HGI) is a global organisation concerned with unifying the most effective forms of counselling and psychotherapy into a truly bio-psycho-social approach which incorporates the most effective therapeutic techniques, neuroscientific findings and newly-devised interventions, and focuses on achieving positive outcomes for clients as quickly as possible.


Latest News:

HG practitioner participates in global congress

HG practitioner Felicity Jaffrey, who lives and works in Egypt, received the extraordinary honour of being invited to speak at Egypt’s hugely prestigious Global Congress on Population, Health and Human Development (PHDC24) in Cairo in October.

SCoPEd - latest update

The six SCoPEd partners have published their latest update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.

Date posted: 14/02/2024